Monday, May 12, 2008

My Favorite Blog

If any body has even read my blog, other than the friends I've told about. You Know I write like an idiot. I'm not proud, but I'm honest. Actually when I type I accidentally hit the wrong button and something spews from my printer while I look puzzled at it. The look I give my printer doesn't make it stop. Oh well.....I'll just live with it.
I have a friend/In law that I have admired his writing. Definitely his reviews of movies are top notch and he should be a writer for a major newspaper or magazine. You need to go and read that... here's his blog check it out you wont be disappointed.

1 comment:

Merlin T Wizard said...

Thanks for the plug, Dan! I've got your blog listed in my blog roll. I've just got to get better at keeping up with everyone's writing. Heck, I've got to get better at keeping up my own writing!