Friday, May 9, 2008

This Is the Game I was complaining about. Gladiatus. The link is I started a guild with my good friend Vince and Rick, and we all agreed not to pay money to get ahead in the game ,but to play it using out heads and just use the game money or as I call it monopoly money. The bad thing is...good old Rick decided to buy the rubies from the game so you get ahead faster. He is now a level ahead of me when he started a week behind me in the game. He thought it was going to do him good, but just frustrates the heck out of Vince and I.
This is a slow moving game, where pretty much all you do is hit a button to go on a quest and hope your stats are better than your opponent. If you win you get rewarded with new equipment to either upgrade or sell. You can use the money to bid at auction or buy from the store or other players. Its just not that simple. If you buy from another player its usually old out dated crap or if you bid on it, you usually get out bid and you lose your money.. (what a rip off) After level 9 it gets like going from grade school to being a sophomore in high school. All the Juniors and Seniors pick on you before you can advance. I'm still chugging along...wish me well
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